Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Life, In General

There's a lot of emphasis being placed these days on health and "wellness (whatever that is)." One of my very best friends, in fact, doesn't eat meat, constantly studies nutritional information, and rags me constantly, albiet good-naturedly, about what I shove down my gullet. I, therefore, tease him no end about having the dietary habits of a rabbit. My belief is simple: what point is there to life if you can't enjoy something as simple as what you eat? You only get one time around, and no matter what you do, your death is inevitable. It just makes no sense to me to avoid the things, especially food, that make me happy in pursuit of an impossible goal. Besides, the way the world is going these days, who would really want to spend any more time on it than absolutely necessary?
A basic undeniable truth is that men will never understand women. That's because women are too complex to ever truly figure out. Another undeniable truth is that women will never understand men. This, however, is because a woman's mind is such a complex and, at times, contradictory thing, they aren't able to even entertain the notion that we men are, actually, very simple creatures. All men really want out of life are: good food, good beer/liquor, and good sex. If we get those things, we are very happy. If, however, we are constantly hounded about sharing our thoughts and feelings, we will not be. Believe it or not, ladies, sometimes (ofttimes) we actually do stare into space without a single thought rattling around our brains. It's just how we are.

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