Sunday, February 26, 2012

Random Thoughts: February 26, 2012

Dear Leader claims that "there is no magic bullet" to lower gasoline prices. That is a lie. The United States and Canada have enough oil and oil shale reserves to fuel the entire world for the next century. The "magic bullet," O Anointed One, is to drill and refine on our own coasts and within our own borders.
I may have covered this before, however, it bears repeating what with the Daytona 500 being postponed today. Simply put, auto racing is NOT a sport (cue the redneck mob with pitchforks and torches). Allow me to explain. Sports test the ability of living things, most notably humans. If you take the absolute worst driver on a particular circuit and place him behind the wheel of the best car with the best pit crew on said circuit, he at least stands a chance, no matter how remote, of winning the race. If, however, you place the absolute best driver behind the wheel of the absolute worst car with the worst pit crew, it's safe to say that he, in all likelihood, will not win. Therefore, you are testing the machine more than the man. Therefore, auto racing can't possibly be a sport. I'm sorry, that's how it works.
On a related front, I also do not consider golf to be a sport, as it lacks the degree of strenuousness needed to qualify as one (cue the rich people with pitchforks and torches).
This will be old news to some, but the Center for Consumer Freedom has released documents that show that PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) killed more than 95% of the pets in its care last year and has, since 1998, killed more than 27,000 animals. Last year's figures break down to 1,911 dogs and cats killed, with homes found for a mere 24 pets. It has also been determined that PETA employees kill 84% of animals in their custody within 24 hours of receipt. "People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals," indeed... (Facts and figures from a story by Alexandra Myers @ The Daily Caller.)
Today's Drudge Report headline regarding the Oscars: "THE DULLEST SHOW ON EARTH!" That's news to anyone?
Another Drudge story: "Columbus, GA (CBSAtlanta): A former Columbus police officer admitted in court that he robbed a bank last year so he can get health benefits being in a federal prison." He also said "that he was facing 'severe health problems' and homelessness..." Welcome to Obamaville, population US.

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