Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Politics & Such

Note to Dear Leader and his liberal good-time buddies: abortion and contraception are not "health care." They are simply a means by which one can have one's cake and eat it, too (or kill it, as the case may be).
I'll never understand why America's black community consistently supports a political party (Democrat) that has done absolutely nothing to benefit them in it's entire existence. I suspect, though, that it's for the same reason they blindly follow the Jacksons, Sharptons, Farrakhans and other assorted race baiters/poverty pimps that have sold their own people into a new form of slavery (dependence upon government) in exchange for seats at the table of power.
I have been asked, as I'm sure others of you have been, how I can justify being in favor of the death penalty, yet be against abortion. The answer is simple: the death penalty is the execution, after conviction in a court of law, of a guilty individual who made a conscious decision to put him/her self in that position. Abortion, on the other hand, is the murder of an innocent life who has done nothing to warrant it-- usually as an expedient method of birth-control-after-the-fact.
I've noticed that Al Gore's "Current TV" network has not only given hyper-partisan BSNBC cast-offs Keith Olbermann and Cenk Uygur airtime, they have also recently given failed former Michigan governor Jennifer Granholm her own show titled "The War Room." Which begs a couple of questions: firstly, what happened to that "new civility" her buddy Obama was preaching last year? Secondly, I wonder how long it will take her to run her show into the ground the way she did Michigan?

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