Thursday, February 2, 2012

Random Thoughts: February 2, 2012

Every time I see Mitt Romney, I get the urge to punch him right in the mouth... on general principle. To be fair, I get the same urge when I see any smarmy individual.
Speaking of politics, I think it's way past time for both parties to switch to a National Primary model. Everyone in every state voting on the same day. Why should either party allow the other party, the media, and independents to choose their party's candidate for them, which is what happens in the current long, drawn-out process?
Mel Gibson's "Hamlet" is not nearly the abortion I've always heard it was. My favorite, however, is still Olivier's, with David Tennant's a close second. That may change one day, as I have yet to see Kenneth Branaugh's.
On a similar note, I watched "Hour of the Gun" last night. Not a bad telling of the "O.K. Corral/Vendetta Ride" legend, although I will always prefer "Tombstone." James Garner (as Wyatt Earp) gave a great performance, as did Jason Robards as a more subdued Doc Holliday.
Modern "Country Music" is, without doubt, the worst garbage I have ever heard in my life (and I remember Metallica's "St. Anger"). An assault on my audial canals and an insult to my intelligence.
It doesn't matter how old I get, I still mark out for the Lone Ranger.

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