Saturday, February 25, 2012

Riding Side By Side With Death

On a battlefield littered with bodies
A lone warrior kneels down in prayer
Thanking the gods who have seen fit to keep him alive
As he drove the dictator from his fortified lair
His prayer completed he raises his head
How many more conflicts will he have to face
Neck and neck with Death everywhere he rides
But always managing somehow to win the race

            Ride on great warrior
            Into the setting sun
            Ride on great warrior
            Til your battles all are done

He knows that one day he too will have to die
And then the valkyries to Valhalla with him will fly
The gods all will judge him and only then will he see
If he has earned his rest or must fight on through all eternity

             So ride on great warrior
             Into the setting sun
             Ride on great warrior
             Til your battles all are done

            Riding side by side with Death

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