Thursday, February 23, 2012

Trust In Steel

Come to me son and sit on my knee
Carnage and death as far as the eye can see
This is your future      this is your fight
Showing your manhood       proving your might
Many will come with maces in hand
From nearby villages      from far-away lands
You will have to slay them      destroy them you must
For no one else on earth
                                      my son
                                                  can you trust
               Not man
               Not woman
               Not beast
               Only steel

               Trust in your steel, my son
               Trust in your steel

So hear my words, son      and heed them well
Rise into Valhalla or descend into Hell
Whatever your future      whatever your path
Always remember what helped you to unleash your wrath
For death you hunger      for blood you lust
And nothing else on this earth
                                             my son
                                                         can you trust
                Not man
                Not woman
                Not beast
                Only steel

                Trust in your steel, my son
                Trust in your steel
                Trust in your steel, my son

                Trust in your steel

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