Friday, February 17, 2012

Random Thoughts: February 17, 2012

Could someone please explain to me exactly why Channing Tatum keeps getting work? The guy's so wooden he makes Al Gore look like Gilbert Gottfried.
Watched "Taxi Driver" again the other night, for the first time in a long while. I'd forgotten how great that flick is. Still my favorite DeNiro film.
Having frustrated myself attempting to write a Western (who would have thought it would be so hard?), I have begun work on an idea for a semi-autobiographical novel. Can't tell you much about it at this point, but I'm excited.
Sometimes I wish I were still in the Army (even with the crappy Campaigner-In-Chief we're currently saddled with). It was the only time in my life that I felt I was doing something important.
New James Bond movie this November... who else is excited?
I long for someone to bring a decent, adult-oriented science museum to the Nashville area. Our current one is nothing more than a glorified kiddie attraction.
If babies would stay babies their entire lives, I wouldn't mind having a couple of my own.

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