Saturday, February 11, 2012

Whitney Houston 1963-2012

In the interest of full disclosure, I must state that I have never been a Whitney Houston fan. Hers was not the style of music I tend to enjoy. I have, however, always acknowledged her talent (but let's face it, no one will ever sing "I Will Always Love You" as well as Dolly Parton). While the cause of death has not been released as of yet, I think it's not outside the realm of possibility that it was the result of her long period of drug abuse... either a relapse/overdose or long-term physical effects of such an extended period of previous abuse.

The temptation to imply that this is, somehow, Bobby Brown's fault may be strong within most of those who followed the two's turbulent, drug-laden marriage. I don't see it that way. Ms. Houston simply, as I see it, was one of those individuals who are natural-born addicts. It wouldn't have mattered who had introduced her to drugs. In her line of work, drugs are a prevalent force. The fact that she fell so far so fast is testament to an ingrained addictive personality. Those types of people aren't able to control their demons in the long term, and even if they find the wherewithal to eventually suppress them, the effects on their physical health have already taken root and, ultimately, are their undoing.

While, as already stated, I have never been a fan of her music, I am still saddened by the news of her death. It troubles me to see talented individuals reduced to cautionary tales because, no matter how much success they achieve, they still have a void in their lives that they think can be filled with substances and activities that only end up contributing to their own demise. At least now, perhaps, she has found the peace she sought for so long.

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