Thursday, March 1, 2012

Andrew Breitbart 1969-2012

News of Breitbart's death came as a total shock to me, as I'm sure it did to most who were aware of him. He was one of the very few people these days who seemed willing to help lead the Conservative movement. His vision of utilizing pop culture, social media, and the internet in general to aid in the movement's appeal to young people was pioneering and sorely needed. I remember watching his many appearances on various television shows. His disheveled appearance and almost manic-depressive delivery, while entertaining, belied just how smart and on top of things he really was. He was one of those people, of which there are few, who seemed to genuinely not give a damn about what others thought of him. His priority was getting to the truth as best he could, and ensuring the continuance of the Conservative movement. He wasn't, as most establishment Republicans are, afraid of going after the other side the way they go after us. Unfortunately, I never had the opportunity to meet the man, but in his media appearances he always seemed to be someone I had known all my life...

Yesterday, I stated that one should enjoy life, and everything in it, as much as possible, as you never know when your number may be up. By most accounts I have read, Breitbart did just that. That should be the biggest lesson we take from the life and death of this Conservative warrior.

R.I.P. Andrew Breitbart.

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