Tuesday, March 6, 2012

War Of Words: My Opinion

Much hay has been made of Rush Limbaugh's labeling of one Sandra Fluke a "slut" last week. Well, let's take a closer look at poor little Sandra Fluke:

1) First, she was referred to as "Susan Fluke." Then, all of a sudden, her name was "Sandra."

2) First, she was a 20-something law school student. Later on in the week, it was revealed that she was, in fact, 30 years old and that it wasn't clear if she was actually still attending law school or not.

3) It was also revealed that she is a hardcore feminist/activist who, allegedly, was specifically invited to the hearings by failed former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

4) She claimed she would have to spend about $3,000 on contraception over a three year law school stint... which would average out to her engaging in sexual intercourse three times daily over the course of each year.

5) She received a personal call of support from no less than Dear Leader. That's odd... I don't remember Barry doing the same for conservative radio talk show host Laura Ingraham when she was called a slut by liberal talk show hack Ed Schultz a while back...

Now, notwithstanding the fact that the issue here is not contraception, but whether or not the federal government has the authority to force religious institutions to violate their basic tenets and beliefs (they don't), the fundamental question is this: what are we supposed to call a woman who fits the above five criteria?

Slut? Maybe. Liar? Quite possibly. Prostitute for a phony liberal/"progressive" agenda?

Most definitely.

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