Monday, March 26, 2012

Random Thoughts: March 26, 2012

It's really annoying when you find out that people are talking about you behind your back. It's even more annoying when people speak ill of you to others, with you present, as though you weren't even there.
Oral arguments for and against Obamacare began today in the Supreme Court. Let's hope this travesty of a law is struck down... not just for our sakes, but for the sakes of our children's and grandchildren's futures, as well.
For someone who has no record to run on, and whose biggest "achievement" is hated by the majority of American citizens, Obama sure seems confident of his reelection. Now, I'm no conspiracy theorist, but this makes me wonder if he and his cronies know something that the rest of us don't?
I see "The Hunger Games" is a success. I have absolutely no desire to see it. After reviewing the basic premise of the story, I found that I liked it better the first time around... when it was called "The Running Man."
If today's children want to read truly great fantasy, they should be reading all the Robert E. Howard, Jules Verne, H.G. Wells, and Edgar Rice Burroughs they can get their grubby little hands on. Far, far better stuff than what is passing for fantasy these days.
I love reading about religions of the world, past and present. It never ceases to amaze me what some people are willing to believe. I generally consider myself non-religious, although I do believe that there is a God of some sort. However, if I were to decide to practice a religion, it would probably be Odinism. I like it's family-and-friends-first philosophy... which is especially suited to me, as my friends ARE my family.

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