Friday, March 16, 2012

How Not To Rig A Primary

There are reports that Democrats have been voting for Rick Santorum in states with an open primary system, because they believe that he will be the easiest person for Dear Leader to beat in the general election. Whether they are right or wrong is a debatable point, but the real issue here is the rigging of a political party's primary by the opposing party. I posted the following in a Facebook group last night. As Ted Nugent would say, "It's so simple, it's stupid." I said:

"This primary season is all the evidence needed to push for a National Primary... where every state votes on the same day and we get rid of this antiquated "caucus" Bovine Scatology once and for all. You must vote in your own party's primary, and "independents" have to shut up and take whatever us non-wishy-washy types give them to choose from. And absolutely NO changing party affiliation within six months of any election. Just for good measure, we should also make it illegal for candidates or potential candidates to engage in anything that could even remotely be construed as campaigning before six months prior to any national election."

Feel free to add to this list in the comments section...

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