Wednesday, March 21, 2012

More About Me Part 2

When I was born, I was a mess by all accounts. I'm told I had a double hernia and an extremely rapid heartbeat. The doctors had to stop my heart and restart it electrically, which was still a fairly new procedure in 1972. I wasn't expected to survive. Looking back on my life now, especially the past few years, I sometimes wish I hadn't.

It's becoming more and more apparent to me that I must have raped a nun in a past life. That's about the only thing I could have done heinous enough to justify the miserable turn my life has taken in the past few years. The weird thing is, I actually welcome it, in a way. The more obstacles, the more adversity, the more misery that gets heaped upon me is only going to make my eventual triumph all the more sweet. The best can't be hidden away forever, and the cream really does always rise to the top.

I was always taught to believe that I wasn't better than anyone else, but that's not true. I am better than everyone and everything that stands in my way. I guess I've known it all along. And, in due course, they'll know it, too.

To paraphrase the liner notes to one of my favorite band's albums, " I only wish to live long enough to piss on the graves of my enemies."

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