Monday, March 19, 2012

Random Thoughts: March 19, 2012

Much like the "contraception issue," the gay marriage issue is not about civil rights. It is about religious freedom.
I read that a Disney executive said that the company expected a loss on "John Carter." Apparently... since they made absolutely NO effort to market it properly. Which, of course, begs the question: Why would any company spend so much to make a film that they, admittedly, expected a loss on?
After viewing a recently-released promo photo from the upcoming "Lone Ranger" movie (also a Disney production), I have come to the conclusion that it will be a stinkeroo. With the Ranger (Armie Hammer) in a black three-piece suit and Texas Ranger badge, and Tonto (Johnny Depp) in corpsepaint with a dead bird on his head, I believe that Disney's lack of respect for the source material will leave them with a real flop, once again at their own hands. At least now 1981's "Legend of the Lone Ranger" won't be remembered as the worst LR depiction ever.
Apparently, the next series of the flagship BBC program (and greatest television series of all-time) Doctor Who is to feature a Western-themed episode with scenes shot in Almeria, Spain, where some of the best (and worst) Spaghetti Westerns were filmed. As if I needed another reason to be excited about DW...


  1. Me thinks Johnny Depp is on a bad trend of stinko comedy remakes after watching the trailer for Dark Shadows.

    1. I think you're right, and I'll say this... if "Lone Ranger" ends up being a comedy, I may just be done with both Mr. Depp and Disney once and for all. I can sort of see how you could go the comedy route with DS (although it's a bad idea), but LR played for laughs? SACRILEGE...
