Friday, March 23, 2012

Book Review: The Overton Window by Glenn Beck

I didn't really expect much from this one, I have to admit. Beck has fallen out of favor with me in recent months as he has descended into Alex-Jones-without-the-Jew-hatred territory. His finger-in-the-wind endorsements of just about every Republican Presidential candidate, culminating in a predictable siding with fellow Mormon Mitt Romney, has been another source of frustration. Still, I decided I'd give this a go... and I'm glad I did.

Although described as a "thriller," there is very little real action in the book. This is made up for by a well-executed sense of intrigue, using real-life as a backdrop, to some degree. Although some of the main characters are thinly-veiled versions of actual individuals (some bordering on outright caricatures), the "it CAN happen here" feel the story possesses tends to override the flaws in characterization.

In short, give it a shot... no matter your political persuasion. It's a fast, easy read (I finished it in three days) that, I feel, is a good first attempt in this genre. I hope Beck gives the thriller genre another go. With "Overton Window," he has shown a good deal of potential.

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