Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Life, In General

There's a lot of emphasis being placed these days on health and "wellness (whatever that is)." One of my very best friends, in fact, doesn't eat meat, constantly studies nutritional information, and rags me constantly, albiet good-naturedly, about what I shove down my gullet. I, therefore, tease him no end about having the dietary habits of a rabbit. My belief is simple: what point is there to life if you can't enjoy something as simple as what you eat? You only get one time around, and no matter what you do, your death is inevitable. It just makes no sense to me to avoid the things, especially food, that make me happy in pursuit of an impossible goal. Besides, the way the world is going these days, who would really want to spend any more time on it than absolutely necessary?
A basic undeniable truth is that men will never understand women. That's because women are too complex to ever truly figure out. Another undeniable truth is that women will never understand men. This, however, is because a woman's mind is such a complex and, at times, contradictory thing, they aren't able to even entertain the notion that we men are, actually, very simple creatures. All men really want out of life are: good food, good beer/liquor, and good sex. If we get those things, we are very happy. If, however, we are constantly hounded about sharing our thoughts and feelings, we will not be. Believe it or not, ladies, sometimes (ofttimes) we actually do stare into space without a single thought rattling around our brains. It's just how we are.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


I dream about you all the time. You, the only two people who ever really gave a damn about me. Oh, I have friends... well, I have many acquaintances. I can count my real friends on less than five fingers. Few in number they may be, but they are loyal... more loyal than I deserve. Every dream is different. You each die a different death. But the end result is always the same.

I'm only existing now. Stuck living with a "father" who respects me so little, who hates me so much, that he does everything he can to up my misery quotient. He knows that I'm in a tight spot. I moved in to his home to do his job for him, to take care of his mother so that he wouldn't have to be bothered with it. I've never really felt as though I were welcome there, though. After all, wasn't I pawned off on you both when it was apparent to him that a kid would cramp his style? And now, with his worthless girlfriend having insinuated herself into the living arrangements since the death of his mother, it seems as though everything possible is being done to run me out of the house and onto the street of my own volition, so he can save face among those who may still be watching.

I've never minded the "pawning off," though. You two were the best parents anyone could have had. I learned more from you both than from anyone else, damn near. My only regret is that you both died without being proud of me. I apologize for that. If it's any consolation, I will probably die without being proud of myself. I will die without having left any lasting mark on the world or anyone in it. I will die as I was born- anonymous.

I will die as I have lived since you both went away.


Sunday, February 26, 2012

Random Thoughts: February 26, 2012

Dear Leader claims that "there is no magic bullet" to lower gasoline prices. That is a lie. The United States and Canada have enough oil and oil shale reserves to fuel the entire world for the next century. The "magic bullet," O Anointed One, is to drill and refine on our own coasts and within our own borders.
I may have covered this before, however, it bears repeating what with the Daytona 500 being postponed today. Simply put, auto racing is NOT a sport (cue the redneck mob with pitchforks and torches). Allow me to explain. Sports test the ability of living things, most notably humans. If you take the absolute worst driver on a particular circuit and place him behind the wheel of the best car with the best pit crew on said circuit, he at least stands a chance, no matter how remote, of winning the race. If, however, you place the absolute best driver behind the wheel of the absolute worst car with the worst pit crew, it's safe to say that he, in all likelihood, will not win. Therefore, you are testing the machine more than the man. Therefore, auto racing can't possibly be a sport. I'm sorry, that's how it works.
On a related front, I also do not consider golf to be a sport, as it lacks the degree of strenuousness needed to qualify as one (cue the rich people with pitchforks and torches).
This will be old news to some, but the Center for Consumer Freedom has released documents that show that PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) killed more than 95% of the pets in its care last year and has, since 1998, killed more than 27,000 animals. Last year's figures break down to 1,911 dogs and cats killed, with homes found for a mere 24 pets. It has also been determined that PETA employees kill 84% of animals in their custody within 24 hours of receipt. "People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals," indeed... (Facts and figures from a story by Alexandra Myers @ The Daily Caller.)
Today's Drudge Report headline regarding the Oscars: "THE DULLEST SHOW ON EARTH!" That's news to anyone?
Another Drudge story: "Columbus, GA (CBSAtlanta): A former Columbus police officer admitted in court that he robbed a bank last year so he can get health benefits being in a federal prison." He also said "that he was facing 'severe health problems' and homelessness..." Welcome to Obamaville, population US.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Riding Side By Side With Death

On a battlefield littered with bodies
A lone warrior kneels down in prayer
Thanking the gods who have seen fit to keep him alive
As he drove the dictator from his fortified lair
His prayer completed he raises his head
How many more conflicts will he have to face
Neck and neck with Death everywhere he rides
But always managing somehow to win the race

            Ride on great warrior
            Into the setting sun
            Ride on great warrior
            Til your battles all are done

He knows that one day he too will have to die
And then the valkyries to Valhalla with him will fly
The gods all will judge him and only then will he see
If he has earned his rest or must fight on through all eternity

             So ride on great warrior
             Into the setting sun
             Ride on great warrior
             Til your battles all are done

            Riding side by side with Death

Friday, February 24, 2012

The March Of The Troopers Of Death

As the drums begin to sound I march to meet my death
The man in black awaits me- he wants my final breath
You all say I'm the loser but I feel as though I've won
I spilled your neighbor's blood- I took your only son
Your daughter's innocence I took and defiled
And now I stand before you beaten and reviled
I suppose you have won-
                                       wait! A trumpet sounds from on high
As my army of power descends
                                                 racing to be by my side

                  On they ride with
                  Bloodlust in their eyes
                  All you can do is watch and
                  Prepare yourselves to die
                  Vengeance they bear as their
                  Swords sing thru the air
                  Then fountains of blood will fly
                  Headless bodies lay everywhere

And so they break my bonds and carry me to safety
And behind us the earth drinks the blood of those that were
                                                               sworn to hate me
The hooves of the war steeds grind the broken bones into dust
The weapons of steel have now satisfied their lust
The women left are now just pleasure slaves for my troopers
They know they will die when they're finished with
                                              they're resigned to their futures
And now back in my armor with hammer and axe by my side
I slaughter the rest of the village     Now we're ready to ride

                 On we ride with
                 Bloodlust in our eyes
                 All you can do now is wait and
                 Ready yourselves to die
                 Vengeance we bear as our
                 Swords sail thru the air
                 Then fountains of blood they will fly
                 Gory corpses strewn everywhere                   

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Trust In Steel

Come to me son and sit on my knee
Carnage and death as far as the eye can see
This is your future      this is your fight
Showing your manhood       proving your might
Many will come with maces in hand
From nearby villages      from far-away lands
You will have to slay them      destroy them you must
For no one else on earth
                                      my son
                                                  can you trust
               Not man
               Not woman
               Not beast
               Only steel

               Trust in your steel, my son
               Trust in your steel

So hear my words, son      and heed them well
Rise into Valhalla or descend into Hell
Whatever your future      whatever your path
Always remember what helped you to unleash your wrath
For death you hunger      for blood you lust
And nothing else on this earth
                                             my son
                                                         can you trust
                Not man
                Not woman
                Not beast
                Only steel

                Trust in your steel, my son
                Trust in your steel
                Trust in your steel, my son

                Trust in your steel

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Vengeance Is Mine

I come before you now with steel in my hand
High on your mountain of power
                                         I'm here to make my stand
You butchered my people
                                        you took my father's sword
And I am here now to give you your just reward

                Just who do you think you are
                I've waited so many years
                                              I've traveled so very far
                And now with my ragged sword in hand
                I will make you bleed
                                                 drag your corpse all across this land
                Beg for mercy you scum-sucking son of a dog
                Get down on your knees
                                                      lay your head across this log
                There's nowhere to run and nowhere you can hide
                At last I have won
                                            vengeance is mine

And now the peasants rejoice as your head crowns my pole
I feel a great sense of elation
                                            at last I am whole
All the lackeys who served you so long now cower and run
As your mountain of power burns
                                                   the flames try to touch the sun

                You did not count on my spirit
                                                              on my will to live
                You begged so hard for mercy
                                                              none did I give
                There was nowhere to run
                                                         nowhere you could hide
                At last I have won
                                             vengeance is mine

And the peasants rejoice and I wait for another time
When I'm needed again

                      VENGEANCE IS MINE!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

God Of Thunder

Thunder roll and cold rain fall
With skies as black as night
Casting a gloomy pall
On everything in sight
Trumpets sound and horse hooves pound
Into battle ride
Strike them down and drag them 'round
All to avenge our pride

          Ancient god of thunder
                                             O Almighty Thor
          Bring vengeance upon our enemies
                                              to settle the score
          Strike with your mighty hammer
                                              bring forth wind and rain
          Give them sorrow and misery
                                              and we shall bring them pain

Monday, February 20, 2012

Today You Die

The blood runs red across the steppes
                                          as the midday sun beats down
Swords clash and battle cries are sounded
                                          severed heads and limbs lay all around
I see you stand before me         your intent is clear
                                          a look of bloodlust is deep in your eyes
I must use all my skill                I can not back down
                                          I must make certain that you do not survive
          You thought you had me but I have turned the tide
          My blade will swing, your head will fall by your side
          And now you know yesterday is dead and gone
          Kiss tomorrow goodbye
                                                for today
                                                               you die

Sunday, February 19, 2012

A Warriors Lament

I hear the moans and cries of anguish from those nearly dead
As I swing my mighty hammer of war above my head
I see a skull splinter as blood mixes with dirt
A gaping wound on my side but I feel not the hurt
A war cry comes from my brethren- their bloodlust has been fed
And all around I see swords and axes dripping red
            Let the valkyries fly
            We all were born to die
            Carry my soul far away
            In Valhalla let me stay...

            Now it is time for me to die
            Odin watches with one good eye
            With my last breath now I pray
            In Valhalla may I stay...


Friday, February 17, 2012

Random Thoughts: February 17, 2012

Could someone please explain to me exactly why Channing Tatum keeps getting work? The guy's so wooden he makes Al Gore look like Gilbert Gottfried.
Watched "Taxi Driver" again the other night, for the first time in a long while. I'd forgotten how great that flick is. Still my favorite DeNiro film.
Having frustrated myself attempting to write a Western (who would have thought it would be so hard?), I have begun work on an idea for a semi-autobiographical novel. Can't tell you much about it at this point, but I'm excited.
Sometimes I wish I were still in the Army (even with the crappy Campaigner-In-Chief we're currently saddled with). It was the only time in my life that I felt I was doing something important.
New James Bond movie this November... who else is excited?
I long for someone to bring a decent, adult-oriented science museum to the Nashville area. Our current one is nothing more than a glorified kiddie attraction.
If babies would stay babies their entire lives, I wouldn't mind having a couple of my own.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

More About Me

My favorite colors are black, blue, green and red.
I can listen to just about any type of music, but modern Country and modern Rap/Hip-Hop have to be the worst excuses for music going today.
My favorite television shows are Doctor Who, Justified, any show in the Law & Order franchise and Original Star Trek. I will also watch just about any British comedy.
Some of my favorite movies are 2001: A Space Odyssey, Flash Gordon (1980), Seven Samurai, Umberto D., and almost any Western you could name. I am especially partial to Spaghetti Westerns.
Favorite Rock band: KISS
Favorite Heavy Metal band: Manowar
Favorite Punk Rock band: FEAR
I feel that Warner Brothers made the best cartoons ever (Looney Toons, Merrie Melodies).

More to come...

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Politics & Such

Note to Dear Leader and his liberal good-time buddies: abortion and contraception are not "health care." They are simply a means by which one can have one's cake and eat it, too (or kill it, as the case may be).
I'll never understand why America's black community consistently supports a political party (Democrat) that has done absolutely nothing to benefit them in it's entire existence. I suspect, though, that it's for the same reason they blindly follow the Jacksons, Sharptons, Farrakhans and other assorted race baiters/poverty pimps that have sold their own people into a new form of slavery (dependence upon government) in exchange for seats at the table of power.
I have been asked, as I'm sure others of you have been, how I can justify being in favor of the death penalty, yet be against abortion. The answer is simple: the death penalty is the execution, after conviction in a court of law, of a guilty individual who made a conscious decision to put him/her self in that position. Abortion, on the other hand, is the murder of an innocent life who has done nothing to warrant it-- usually as an expedient method of birth-control-after-the-fact.
I've noticed that Al Gore's "Current TV" network has not only given hyper-partisan BSNBC cast-offs Keith Olbermann and Cenk Uygur airtime, they have also recently given failed former Michigan governor Jennifer Granholm her own show titled "The War Room." Which begs a couple of questions: firstly, what happened to that "new civility" her buddy Obama was preaching last year? Secondly, I wonder how long it will take her to run her show into the ground the way she did Michigan?

Monday, February 13, 2012


So... tomorrow is Valentine's Day.


Like I need a special day every year to remind me that I'm going to die alone. They say "there's someone for everyone," but that's simply not true. I believe that some of us simply don't have another half, better or otherwise. Some of us, no matter what, will never have a deep, meaningful relationship with someone of the opposite sex. And that's OK. I've come to terms with that. I just wonder why Hallmark, American Greetings and all the other members of the Fake Holiday Industry feel the need to rub it in once a year.

Just my two cents...

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Random Thoughts: February 12, 2012

I sure do like that there "Sling Blade" movie... mm hm...
With each successive season, "Justified" just gets better and better. Great writing and brilliant performances- especially Timothy Olyphant as Raylan Givens and Walton Goggins as Boyd Crowder. Best series on American television right now.
I keep hearing about an "economic recovery." Much like Bigfoot, I have yet to see it. If anyone spots it, please let me know.
Does the world really need a "Napoleon Dynamite" cartoon series?
Rugby will always be a manlier sport than American Football.
Speaking of American Football, it is way past time that KISS play the Super Bowl halftime show.
Speaking of KISS, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame will lack validity unless and until they are inducted.
It's cold here in Tennessee tonight. Looks like a Swiss Miss Dark Chocolate Cocoa night.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Whitney Houston 1963-2012

In the interest of full disclosure, I must state that I have never been a Whitney Houston fan. Hers was not the style of music I tend to enjoy. I have, however, always acknowledged her talent (but let's face it, no one will ever sing "I Will Always Love You" as well as Dolly Parton). While the cause of death has not been released as of yet, I think it's not outside the realm of possibility that it was the result of her long period of drug abuse... either a relapse/overdose or long-term physical effects of such an extended period of previous abuse.

The temptation to imply that this is, somehow, Bobby Brown's fault may be strong within most of those who followed the two's turbulent, drug-laden marriage. I don't see it that way. Ms. Houston simply, as I see it, was one of those individuals who are natural-born addicts. It wouldn't have mattered who had introduced her to drugs. In her line of work, drugs are a prevalent force. The fact that she fell so far so fast is testament to an ingrained addictive personality. Those types of people aren't able to control their demons in the long term, and even if they find the wherewithal to eventually suppress them, the effects on their physical health have already taken root and, ultimately, are their undoing.

While, as already stated, I have never been a fan of her music, I am still saddened by the news of her death. It troubles me to see talented individuals reduced to cautionary tales because, no matter how much success they achieve, they still have a void in their lives that they think can be filled with substances and activities that only end up contributing to their own demise. At least now, perhaps, she has found the peace she sought for so long.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Armchair Psychiatrist: Willie Nelson's "Red Headed Stranger" As Metaphor(?)

I'm not sure if this idea has been floated before (if so, I apologize in advance for stepping on any toes), but I thought of the following last night as I listened to RHS for the umpteenth time. What if RHS is, on some subconscious level, Willie's metaphor for his own career at the time? Up 'til this album, Willie had released a few albums as a recording artist, with varying degrees of success. Indeed, Willie's success had primarily been as a songwriter only (Hello Walls, Crazy, Night Life, etc.). Willie had also been frustrated with the lack of creative control he was allowed due to the restrictions of the "Nashville Sound" that artists were expected to adhere to at that time.

My interpretation is that the Preacher represented "Outlaw Willie-" the Willie he, deep down, felt himself to be. The adulterous wife represented "Nashville Willie-" the Willie he had tried to be in order to achieve success during his time writing and recording in Music City. The other man of the story represented the Nashville Country Music Establishment who seduced him into trying to be something he, as a performer, wasn't. The new lady that the Preacher takes up with toward the end of the story, I feel, represents the way he hoped his fans would feel toward himself and the new musical direction he was embarking upon. The Preacher's murder of his wife and the "other man" represented Willie's need to "kill off" Nashville Willie in order to move in the direction he wished. It also represented his deep desire to stick it to the Nashville Country Establishment who, as he must have seen it, held him back by persuading him to "go along to get along."

Or, quite possibly, I just have way too much time on my hands...

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Here we go again
Traveling once more down
The road we know
                              only too well
                our destination
                our prize
Awash in a sea of mediocrity

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

New World 3

How much longer
                           'til the end of
                                               the world?
It can't come fast enough
                                      for some of us

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

New World 2

The jaws of corruption clamp down tightly
Crushing utterly
Those who would do the right thing
             are now the dirtiest words
                                    in the English
And I stare at this world
In a strange combination of awe and horror
And I try to realize
                             my place in it all
What need is there for an honorable man
In the land of the corporate giants?
What call is there for honesty
In the realm of the money gods?
To them I say this:
Successful you may be
                                   even beyond the dreams
                                                             of avarice
But at least my sleep is sound
And my dreams

Monday, February 6, 2012

New World

See the worker bee as he completes
                                             his task
And vastly unappreciated
Higher education
      Trendy clothes
            Plastic smile
All weapons of the enemy

With what shall I fight back?
All principles that guide my life

What the fuck happened to the rest of you?

Sunday, February 5, 2012


Tortured sleep
                      I ache for you
Haunted dreams
                      I ache for you
All alone
                      I ache for you
Gun in mouth
                      I ache for you

Saturday, February 4, 2012


Swirling around
Swimming around
Trying desperately not to
                                      be dragged down
Into the deep, murky sea
                                      of Reality
The colors dance and swirl before my eyes
As the harsh weight of Reality
                                             crushes me

Friday, February 3, 2012


Look at me and say the
One word I want to hear so
Very much. Your
Eyes sparkle in the moon's glow and

I drink in your beauty.
Say the word-say

Anything. Your silence makes me want to

Cower in the corner of the
Room. If
Only I
Could make you understand- you'd
Know how much I love you.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Random Thoughts: February 2, 2012

Every time I see Mitt Romney, I get the urge to punch him right in the mouth... on general principle. To be fair, I get the same urge when I see any smarmy individual.
Speaking of politics, I think it's way past time for both parties to switch to a National Primary model. Everyone in every state voting on the same day. Why should either party allow the other party, the media, and independents to choose their party's candidate for them, which is what happens in the current long, drawn-out process?
Mel Gibson's "Hamlet" is not nearly the abortion I've always heard it was. My favorite, however, is still Olivier's, with David Tennant's a close second. That may change one day, as I have yet to see Kenneth Branaugh's.
On a similar note, I watched "Hour of the Gun" last night. Not a bad telling of the "O.K. Corral/Vendetta Ride" legend, although I will always prefer "Tombstone." James Garner (as Wyatt Earp) gave a great performance, as did Jason Robards as a more subdued Doc Holliday.
Modern "Country Music" is, without doubt, the worst garbage I have ever heard in my life (and I remember Metallica's "St. Anger"). An assault on my audial canals and an insult to my intelligence.
It doesn't matter how old I get, I still mark out for the Lone Ranger.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Little Angel

Little angel
Allow me to traverse your ethereal realm
As you introduce me to sights and sounds
                                     left unexperienced by
                                                    normal men
Let us be one with each other
As well as everything else
As we lead each other
                                  to paradise