Monday, April 16, 2012

Random Thoughts: April 16, 2012

Earlier tonight, on Fox News's Special Report, political commentator extraordinaire Charles Krauthammer stated that Democrats stand on principle only if a Republican is in office. Ne'er a truer word...
I have always respected and admired Bill Cosby for being one of the few entertainers that actually tells it like it is. I am all the more disappointed in him, therefore, for his gravitation to an easy answer to the motivation as to the Trayvon Martin shooting by stating that, essentially, the gun was to blame. He even made the statement that if someone was supposed to be protecting him, he didn't want them to have a gun. I'm sure the policemen in Mr. Cosby's neighborhood will be glad to hear that. I feel that Mr. Cosby may not be in a good position to comment on anything involving firearms due to his natural bias against them as a result of his only son, Ennis, being shot to death some years ago. I would remind Mr. Cosby that, in the hands of lawful owners, crimes are much more likely to be stopped with guns than committed. I would also remind everyone that to ignore Trayvon's history of misbehavior, while using old photographs to depict him, is to be the real racist in all of this. My big fear is that George Zimmerman will never be able to get a fair trial. But then, when a dog-and-pony-show such as this is set up as a result of a lynch-mob mentality, fairness isn't really the point, is it?

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