Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Random Thoughts: April 10, 2012

I see that Rick Santorum has dropped out of the Republican Presidential primary race. Perhaps if he had done so a few months ago and supported the true conservative in the race (Newt Gingrich), we conservative Republicans wouldn't be faced with the prospect of, once again, having to hold our noses and vote for a wishy-washy moderate. Here's hoping Santorum does the right thing and talks his set of delegates into voting for Speaker Gingrich at the convention...
Anyone who knows me knows that I love KISS, but not enough to watch "Dancing With The Stars." I will, however, seek out their two performances from the show on the 'net. One can never have enough KISS in their lives...
I'm starting to get the feeling that the mainstream media's coverage/analysis of the shooting death of Trayvon Martin by George Zimmerman is their attempt to gin up a race war in order to aid in the reelection of their Messiah, one Dear Leader. What other explanation can there be for trying this case in the court of public opinion instead of a court of law? Why else would NBC (who is firmly in Dear Leader's back pocket) doctor a 911 tape in order to present Mr. Zimmerman in the worst possible light? Why else ignore Martin's record of bad behavior, and only show a five-year-old picture of Martin, in order to present him in the best possible light? Why else would the two biggest race pimps in America (Sharpton and Jackson) rear their ugly heads? Why is the New Black Panther Party's placing of a bounty on George Zimmerman being soundly ignored by the mainstream media? Why else would Dear Leader, in response to a planted question (the ONLY one he answered) at a press conference, say that "if [he] had a son, he would look just like Trayvon?" Why would the supposed President of the United States even comment on something that was not a federal law enforcement issue at all? Something is rotten, and not just in Denmark...
The more TV spots for the upcoming "Avengers" movie that I see, the more I get the feeling that this may be the first truly entertaining project that Joss Whedon (the most over-rated person in Hollywood) has been involved with since the original "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" movie with Kristy Swanson...

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