Saturday, April 7, 2012

Happy Passover/Easter

While I am not a religious person, I respect the practices and holidays of the true religions of the world. In that spirit, I would like to wish any and all Jewish readers of Cerebral Dissidence a Happy Passover, as well as wishing a Happy Easter to the Christian readers. Inconsistencies (and there are many) aside, the messages of the Jewish and Christian scriptures are universal, providing a template for civilized society that is unparalleled. It's a shame that Organized Religion's role as a Mafia-esque entity, combined with the "my-God-can-whip-your-God" mentality, is driving people away from something that should be so simple and helpful to us as human beings.

So again, Happy Passover, Happy Easter, and how about we all try just being a little bit nicer to each other year 'round? Believe me, I know it's hard to do... people basically suck, after all. But it couldn't hurt, could it?

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