Monday, April 2, 2012

Question With Boldness?

A few days ago, I postulated a personal theory on a Facebook Tea Party page. The theory was a simple one: that since a big reason Rick Santorum did so well in certain states was due to support from Evangelical Christians, and because Santorum is very open about his Catholic faith, that Evangelicals aren't backing him because he is the most conservative, or because he displays strong leadership. My theory is that they are backing Santorum simply because they feel that he is the most Christian candidate in the race. I added that being a Christian, be it strong, phoney, or otherwise, did not necessarily make one a leader.

Shortly thereafter, the floodgates opened. I was unloaded upon by people claiming that I hated Christians (and, by extension, Jews), that I was an atheist, that I was EVIL, that I was Wiccan, that I was a Democrat plant working for Dear Leader's campaign, and sundry other ridiculous notions. NOT ONE of these so-called "Christian" individuals actually argued the merits of what I had posted. They simply attacked me personally. Even when I gave them an out by asking them why they felt the need to reply to a post which they felt didn't apply to them with such vitriol, even pointing out their own hypocrisy in doing so, the attacks continued.

A day or so later, I added a new post to the same page, calling out these self-described "Godly" people on their lack of good Christian values (coming from a Christian family, I know a thing or two about them). Needless to say, they didn't like that at all. And through all of this, not one attempt to prove what I posted to be incorrect... just knee-jerk emotionalism, personal attacks, and attempting to deflect from the issue by somehow making me the issue. I can, therefore, only conclude that I must have struck a nerve with those people. After all, why would anyone get so defensive about an observation that they claim didn't apply to them, unless it really did on some level?

I suppose that it's perfectly OK to question the motives of anyone you wish, as long as that person isn't an Evangelical Christian.

How deliciously hypocritical.

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