Sunday, April 1, 2012

It Ain't Over

With the garnering of endorsements from former President George H.W. Bush, Senator Marco Rubio, and Representative Paul Ryan, it seems the Republican establishment is attempting to revive the already-disproven theory that former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney is the inevitable Republican nominee for President. Former Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum, however, has vowed to remain in the race no matter what, and former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich's campaign is restructuring for a "floor-fight" strategy at the Convention.

The point being that this is a long way from being over. With only about half of the delegates awarded so far, neither Gingrich nor Santorum are anywhere close to reaching the "magic number" of 1144 needed to clinch the nomination (Republican party gadfly Ron Paul remains dead last, as usual). Then again, neither is Romney. Plus, Romney's unfavorable rating has increased. Which says to me that the electorate's search for the "not-Romney" candidate is alive and well.

So I say, let's take it to the convention. After all, the last time we "coalesced around the inevitable nominee," we ended up with John McCain, who is as moderate as they come... and we all know how that turned out, don't we?

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