Sunday, January 22, 2012

Thoughts on a "Legend"

Those who know me personally know that football holds no interest for me, whatsoever. However, I feel a need to point out a few facts about the now-deceased Joe "JoePa" Paterno.

Anyone who would victimize a child is the lowest of the low, and deserves nothing less than a long, drawn-out, painful death... preferably at the hands of the victim's family. Those who would engage in a cover-up of such heinous activity are equally guilty, and deserve the same punishment.

Joe Paterno helped to cover up multiple acts of child molestation during his tenure as Head Coach of the Penn State Nittany Lions. That, and that alone, cancels out any and every good thing he may have done in his life. It's been said that character is "those things one does when one believes that no one is watching." I think it's safe to say that Joe Paterno failed the character test miserably. He is not worthy of anyone's sympathy, respect, or admiration.

If Hell exists, I hope he remembered to pack some asbestos underwear.

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