Thursday, January 26, 2012

Random Thoughts

I read today that Simon Cowell is going to launch yet another TV show. Hasn't this colossal douchebag (my opinion) done enough to destroy popular culture already?
Whether Newt Gingrich actually "worked with" Ronald Reagan to do anything isn't really the point. The point is that, record-wise, Newt is far more conservative than the Republican Establishment's pick (Romney), and is at least as conservative as Santorum. And Ron Paul is still an anti-Semitic lunatic (again, my opinion).
I am looking forward to the "Avengers" movie, almost as much as I am looking forward to "The Dark Knight Rises." Don't screw it up, Whedon.
After almost seven years, I finally watched the "Sin City" movie. I can't help but think that if Frank Miller had had a co-director like Robert Rodriguez on "The Spirit," it might have done a little better at the box office. Some advance press actually introducing the character to those who may not have heard of him wouldn't have hurt, either ("Sin City" is great, by the way).
The rumor is going around that KISS and Motley Crue will tour together in the Fall. If true, this could be the biggest tour of the year. On a related note, I personally feel that the current KISS lineup (Gene, Paul, Tommy Thayer, and Eric Singer) is the strongest one since the late '80s lineup of Gene, Paul, Bruce Kulick, and the late, great Eric Carr.
If you're a Shakespeare fan and have not seen Akira Kurosawa's various adaptations (particularly "Throne of Blood," his version of Macbeth), you really owe it to yourself to check them out. "Ran" is a pretty good version of King Lear. I have yet to see "The Bad Sleep Well (Hamlet)," but have read some good things about it.

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