Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Double Standard

One of the reasons often given for one being pro-abortion is that "a woman has the right to decide what to do with her own body." Let's examine this a bit more fully...

If the above is true then, logically, the same must follow for men. Carrying this strain of logic to it's natural conclusion, then, men should be able to walk down Main Street at high noon, buck-naked, while masturbating furiously, on any day they so desire. As it stands, however, that would be an arrestable offense.

An even better example: men should have the right to have sex with any woman they wish, whenever they wish, wherever they wish, even if the woman doesn't wish to. After all, said man is only exercising his right to decide what to do with his own body, right?

"OF COURSE NOT!" the abortion fans would rail, and rightly so. Legalizing rape is unthinkable in a civilized society. That begs this question:
What, exactly makes the legal murder of an innocent life perfectly OK in the eyes of the pro-abortion crowd when those same people agree that public masturbation and legal rape (as an extension of their own rationalization for the acceptance of abortion) would be abominations?

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