Tuesday, January 31, 2012


When he felt the rope tighten
And all his breath left him
In that split second
                             he knew
That everything would be OK
From that point on

To You

All you ever gave me
All you've left me with
Seems to overload me
All I want to give
                          To you

Monday, January 30, 2012


         you call me
         you keep calling me
Stop it
You lost that right
                           a long time ago
Where were you
                          in my formative years
Where were you
                          when I needed you most
Getting drunk      most likely
That's all you've ever really cared about
The alcohol
It's hold is strong
                          too strong
No way for me to compete

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Goddess: A Trilogy

Eyes that sparkle as a lake at sunrise
Teeth as white as the purest ivory
Hair like the finest silk
A goddess amongst us
                                  that you are
And oh, so much more
I see her smile
                      a goddess' smile
It lifts me up
                   and strengthens me
The goddess is a myth
The whore, reality

Saturday, January 28, 2012


City after dark
Watch the swarm of lights dance across
                      the skyline
As you steel yourself for the night's adventure
The smooth, fluid lines of her shape beckon to me
And draw me in as a sailor to a Siren's call

The female form
God's greatest creation
In my brain
Perpetual freefall in a land of colors
Going nowhere
I look into the mirror and see
An empty shell
Where a man used to be
The angel becomes the devil
When the lights are all turned out

Friday, January 27, 2012

In The Darkness

In my mind
Thick and heavy
Like stormclouds
In the darkness
All my pain
All my rage
All my hate
Are you sure you want me to share it with you
I don't think you can handle it
It's a hard enough job for me

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Random Thoughts

I read today that Simon Cowell is going to launch yet another TV show. Hasn't this colossal douchebag (my opinion) done enough to destroy popular culture already?
Whether Newt Gingrich actually "worked with" Ronald Reagan to do anything isn't really the point. The point is that, record-wise, Newt is far more conservative than the Republican Establishment's pick (Romney), and is at least as conservative as Santorum. And Ron Paul is still an anti-Semitic lunatic (again, my opinion).
I am looking forward to the "Avengers" movie, almost as much as I am looking forward to "The Dark Knight Rises." Don't screw it up, Whedon.
After almost seven years, I finally watched the "Sin City" movie. I can't help but think that if Frank Miller had had a co-director like Robert Rodriguez on "The Spirit," it might have done a little better at the box office. Some advance press actually introducing the character to those who may not have heard of him wouldn't have hurt, either ("Sin City" is great, by the way).
The rumor is going around that KISS and Motley Crue will tour together in the Fall. If true, this could be the biggest tour of the year. On a related note, I personally feel that the current KISS lineup (Gene, Paul, Tommy Thayer, and Eric Singer) is the strongest one since the late '80s lineup of Gene, Paul, Bruce Kulick, and the late, great Eric Carr.
If you're a Shakespeare fan and have not seen Akira Kurosawa's various adaptations (particularly "Throne of Blood," his version of Macbeth), you really owe it to yourself to check them out. "Ran" is a pretty good version of King Lear. I have yet to see "The Bad Sleep Well (Hamlet)," but have read some good things about it.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The New Breed

Taste the blood of your neighbours
Breathe in the vile stench of decay
Feel the power course thru your body
Now you're poised to revolutionize the world


Hear the screams
The beautiful screams
The screams of agony and torment
The screams of misery and pain
The screams of the lost and forsaken
The screams never go away
The screams are always there
Inside my head

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Thoughts on a "Legend"

Those who know me personally know that football holds no interest for me, whatsoever. However, I feel a need to point out a few facts about the now-deceased Joe "JoePa" Paterno.

Anyone who would victimize a child is the lowest of the low, and deserves nothing less than a long, drawn-out, painful death... preferably at the hands of the victim's family. Those who would engage in a cover-up of such heinous activity are equally guilty, and deserve the same punishment.

Joe Paterno helped to cover up multiple acts of child molestation during his tenure as Head Coach of the Penn State Nittany Lions. That, and that alone, cancels out any and every good thing he may have done in his life. It's been said that character is "those things one does when one believes that no one is watching." I think it's safe to say that Joe Paterno failed the character test miserably. He is not worthy of anyone's sympathy, respect, or admiration.

If Hell exists, I hope he remembered to pack some asbestos underwear.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

A Quick Observation

If, as some "experts" are predicting, Barnes and Noble is on it's last legs, it would be an absolutely devastating blow to book lovers. Don't get me wrong... I love Amazon.com. I have done a lot of business with them, and will in the future, I'm sure. Sometimes, though, you just get a hankering to go down to the bookstore and have a browse... whether you make a purchase or not.

I know, I know... "step into the future, Rob. Digital is the only way to go." I just can't do it. There is, to me, something almost inhuman about e-books. Part of the thrill of book buying is holding it in your hands/resting it in your lap, the turning of the pages, the "new book smell." It's just not the same thing, staring at a screen. Screens have a coldness to them that is hard for newjack "readers," who refused to read much at all until the advent of the e-book, to understand. Convenience is a wonderful thing, true. Sometimes, though, not so much.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

And Another Thing...

...how come all the emphasis on cancer in American media is on female cancers, particularly breast cancer? The message I get from this is that men and their health are, somehow, not as important in the grand scheme of things. I think that, by now, people are more "aware" of breast cancer than ever before. Prostate and testicular cancer? Not so much, if the (lack of) media coverage is any indication. Kind of sexist, if you ask me...

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Double Standard

One of the reasons often given for one being pro-abortion is that "a woman has the right to decide what to do with her own body." Let's examine this a bit more fully...

If the above is true then, logically, the same must follow for men. Carrying this strain of logic to it's natural conclusion, then, men should be able to walk down Main Street at high noon, buck-naked, while masturbating furiously, on any day they so desire. As it stands, however, that would be an arrestable offense.

An even better example: men should have the right to have sex with any woman they wish, whenever they wish, wherever they wish, even if the woman doesn't wish to. After all, said man is only exercising his right to decide what to do with his own body, right?

"OF COURSE NOT!" the abortion fans would rail, and rightly so. Legalizing rape is unthinkable in a civilized society. That begs this question:
What, exactly makes the legal murder of an innocent life perfectly OK in the eyes of the pro-abortion crowd when those same people agree that public masturbation and legal rape (as an extension of their own rationalization for the acceptance of abortion) would be abominations?

Monday, January 16, 2012


Looking around I see them all
The couples locked in romantic embraces
The smiles of the successful
Their sheer joy at being alive
While I sit here
Trapped in the hellish nightmare that is

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


I apologize for the lack of posts over the past few days. On January 5, after an extended illness, my sole surviving grandmother died at the age of 84. I had been living with her for the past few years, helping to care for her as she descended into the darkness of macular degeneration. She also suffered from COPD and, since late October, a fractured vertebra. She is now, thankfully, free of pain and has rejoined her parents and sisters in the Great Beyond. I learned a lot from her, and I shall miss her greatly. Please bear with me as I go through the mourning process. I hope to resume semi-regular posts before long.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Her Existence

The haggard-looking woman
                                            only 45
Looks as though she's 70
Sleeping in doorways and
                                        cardboard boxes
Rummaging through dumpsters for
                                                    her daily bread
Her only sin
                   her 40 of malt liquor
Her only crime
                       her existence

Sunday, January 1, 2012


A simple question that no one has ever been able to answer:

Why is it that a man can walk around in public wearing his favorite athlete's jersey and no one thinks twice about it, yet, let the same man walk around in public wearing a Starfleet uniform and everyone else makes fun of him?

Everyone is a geek for something...