Monday, December 12, 2011

First Things First (But Not Necessarily In That Order)...

"Cerebral Dissidence? What the hell is that?"
Fair question. Frankly, I'm not sure. Good title, though, eh?
Seriously though, it comes from a line from a short piece of poetry I wrote nearly twelve years ago:

Reject the teachings of your past
For everything they told you
Is false

Embrace cerebral dissidence

So, I suppose you could view it as a pretentious way of saying "think outside the box." At any rate, there will be a lot of that on this blog. This will be a rather random collection of thoughts, musings, stories, rants and ravings. Where on one day I may post my latest political screed (which I'm sure most people wouldn't agree with, or at least wouldn't admit to agreeing with), followed the next day by a whiskey review. I promise only one thing to you, the reader: to make your experience here as interesting (dare I say, thought-provoking?) as I possibly can. I hope you all enjoy the ride.

Robert L. Robinson

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