Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Blast(s) From The Past 3-What Is Love?

Please don't look at me anymore. A gaze from your beautiful eyes only brings me pain... like a million white-hot-yet-ice-cold needles in my abdomen. Doesn't it matter that I love you? It's so damn hard to tell. The way you carry on as if I never said anything-it's astonishing to me. Don't my feelings matter? Did they ever?

When I look closely enough, I can see demons dancing in your eyes. They point at me and laugh and call me names like "fool" and "loser." One of them asks me why I even bother trying. I tell him because I love you. He laughs at me again and says that love is just a vile illusion that allows people to use each other without fear of repercussion. Please... please tell me he's wrong.


Loving another person-
                                    the ultimate act of sadomasochism

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