Friday, December 30, 2011


Downward spiral
Into a deep pit of despair
No one
All alone in a crowded room
Save it all up for myself
Breathing Hell
This is life without you


I see her
As I do every day
The movement of her body inside her clothing
Enough to drive any man insane
She smiles
As she does every day
The contrast of her white teeth
                                               brown hair
                                                                 and beige skin
Enough to make my knees go weak
My tongue ties
As it does every day
The racing of the thoughts in my head
Enough to make me feel a fool
We pass
As we do every day
The voice screaming inside my head
You know you'll never have her

Thursday, December 29, 2011


In the mirror
                    looking back
Young face
                        look closer
See the lines
Broken dreams
Unfulfilled potential
The hurt
              the longing
For things that will never be
No hope
                         no fear
The only friend
                        I have left
Will anything
                     or anyone
Ever make it go away?
I hope not
I need it
It helps remind me
                             I'm still human

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A Fine Line

Her fingernails are like razors as they
Claw their way down my back
Leaving behind fresh bloodtrails
                                                 to mark
                                                              their passing
And all the while
The pleasure of passion courses thru my body
Like a colossal orgasm in itself
Paradise awaits...

The Abyss

The abyss looms before me
As the gaping maw of a wild predator
                                                          confronting prey
In the distance
Bright light
Rushing at me
                      faster and faster

Is this death?

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Blast(s) From The Past 3-What Is Love?

Please don't look at me anymore. A gaze from your beautiful eyes only brings me pain... like a million white-hot-yet-ice-cold needles in my abdomen. Doesn't it matter that I love you? It's so damn hard to tell. The way you carry on as if I never said anything-it's astonishing to me. Don't my feelings matter? Did they ever?

When I look closely enough, I can see demons dancing in your eyes. They point at me and laugh and call me names like "fool" and "loser." One of them asks me why I even bother trying. I tell him because I love you. He laughs at me again and says that love is just a vile illusion that allows people to use each other without fear of repercussion. Please... please tell me he's wrong.


Loving another person-
                                    the ultimate act of sadomasochism

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


How many lives
Must a man go through before he truly dies
And how
How will he know
That the time has come and that he really has to go

A belief there must be more
There must be a chance for
                                          us to right our wrongs
New images       new songs
Let's not waste the opportunity before us
If we truly come again then
Let us try to snatch a win
                                       from the jaws of past defeat
No surrender      no retreat
Let us atone for all the evils we have wrought
                                                                     upon the world

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Blast(s) From The Past 2

Use me. Go ahead, it's OK. No really-it's my sole purpose on Earth. I'm here so that everyone can attach themselves to me or have me become attached to them. Stay until you're done, then go about your merry way. I'll hate to see you go, but I'll survive. I'll just stay here and recharge and wait for the next user to come along and take his/her fill. And if you ever need me in the future, just come see me, because I won't be bitter. Like I said, that's why I'm here. Just call me "Mr. Disposable."

If you build it
                     they'll burn it down

Her smile is so intoxicating
I wonder why I drink the beer

Thursday, December 15, 2011

State of the Union

Snakes         in the houses
Rats             in the houses
Snakes and rats in the people's houses
Eyes glowing
Teeth gleaming
                       and gnashing
False promises rolling off the forked tongue of the
                                                                           King Cobra
Venom dripping from his fangs
                                              into our eyes
As the vermin giggle,
                                from the people, cries
Hear them cry
Hear them cry
                              Why is this happening
This is not the hope we rallied for
This is not the change we voted for
What have we done
What have we done
Is it too late
                   to change
                                  the change
Where do we go
Where can we go
                           from here...

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Blast(s) From The Past

A couple of short poetry pieces I wrote many moons ago during my "depressed" stage:

Freefall through the void of imagination
Allow yourself to experience its myriad permutations
The only thing stopping you
Is you

The oppression and depression overwhelm me now
I look down at my forearm
There's a number tattooed there that
                                                        only I can see
And I wait
                 ever so patiently
For my turn in the oven

Monday, December 12, 2011

First Things First (But Not Necessarily In That Order)...

"Cerebral Dissidence? What the hell is that?"
Fair question. Frankly, I'm not sure. Good title, though, eh?
Seriously though, it comes from a line from a short piece of poetry I wrote nearly twelve years ago:

Reject the teachings of your past
For everything they told you
Is false

Embrace cerebral dissidence

So, I suppose you could view it as a pretentious way of saying "think outside the box." At any rate, there will be a lot of that on this blog. This will be a rather random collection of thoughts, musings, stories, rants and ravings. Where on one day I may post my latest political screed (which I'm sure most people wouldn't agree with, or at least wouldn't admit to agreeing with), followed the next day by a whiskey review. I promise only one thing to you, the reader: to make your experience here as interesting (dare I say, thought-provoking?) as I possibly can. I hope you all enjoy the ride.

Robert L. Robinson