Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Writer's Block

First, the obvious: I haven't posted in quite a while. No excuse will be offered. As I'm sure most writers can attest to, sometimes you just don't have anything of value or note to talk about. Also, the "real world" tends to intrude upon the writer's world too often, and usually at the most inopportune times.

In the "real world," I have been unemployed for over four years now. Since the death of my grandmother this past January (whose care took up the majority of my time the past four years), most of my waking moments have been spent in the dignity-crushing search for employment in a, for lack of a better term, shitty economy. Things, however, have begun to look up... last week, I had a pleasant two interviews with a major American employer. The pre-employment process having been completed, I know only need wait for the completion of a background check, which can take up to two weeks to complete. I, of course, am waiting with bated breath, itching to not only work again, but to feel the glorious feeling that only comes with having money in your pocket that you, yourself, earned.

I have also tried to make time each week to work on my fiction writing. To date, I have several short story ideas in the Fantasy and Horror veins, as well as a Western novel and a semi-autobiographical novel in the works. The hard part is choosing which project to work on at any given time. Also, keeping a certain level of inspiration has proved a problem, as at times I have sunk into periods of deep melancholy which make it harder to roust the desire to write within me. I press on, however, because I truly feel that I have the ability to produce works that others will want to read, but also because the sales of those works will earn me even more money.

That may seem rather crass to most people, but so be it. I love money. I love the opportunities that money helps to provide. I love the thought that, with money, I can provide the things that I (and, had I one, my family) need and desire. Gene Simmons (of KISS fame) said it best: The love of money is not the root of all evil. The lack of money is.

At any rate, that is what has been happening with me lately. Wish me luck with my above activities. If all goes well, my posts here may be very infrequent, indeed. But rest assured that, when I feel I have something worthwhile to say, you will be able to read it here first.

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